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Arts Caravan

Wil Albarez
From 1993 to 1996, in the good old days WiI was in an Aztec Dance troop in Denver performing 2-3 times a week. He started character acting as part of "notable shire" at the Colorado Ren Fair in 1993 to 2000 playing T'Vester the Troll for over a million people. The Troll was later turned to stone in a film called "The Troll Demise" in 2004. He has been a "blockhead" since 1996, learned to eat and breathe fire in 1999, and founded the Fire Hazard Thrill Show in 2000. He has performed at Site Santa Fe, opened for Paul Oakenfield, worked with Barnum's Dark Circus, been a member of the Art of Such N Such since 2005 and has done fire safety for a PyroSutra. He is also a member of the Futhermore Collective and MC's and performes for countless burlesque shows, has appeared in 4 motion pictures and TV, and even appeared on the Front page of 'The Sunday Colorado Gazette'.
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